
Jumat, 19 November 2010


Haaaaaaaiaiaiaaa tsssk. Udah lama gak apdet blog, banyak kegiatan –_-‘ ini gue lagi pakek Windows Live Writer, ternyata mayan juga ._. mungkin gue bisa ngapdet blog gue pakek nih WLW wakaka. Lebih enaak 8D

Mo nyoba font lain. Weh, ternyata bisa OwO Font yang biasa gue pakek nih ini ._. tapi kayaknya gaenak diliat -_-‘ Yang standar aja deh. Sip. /plak

Hasil UTS gak menyenangkan banget = = ah lupakan, tengoklah UAS. Tssk, harus lebih bagus >_> harus tetep aktif di Paskib ama MPK, gak terlalu mementingkan Klub Jepang, soalnya gabegitu seru sih =_= kalo tau gitu mending gue ikut Hispetika aja dah. Hari ini, hari Jum’at… besok, gue Mabit. Malam Bina Iman dan Takwa. Zzz. Artinya nginep wuahaha weh.

Pengen gue rombak nih blog, gaenak banget –__-‘ tapi males /lah

Udahlah, gitu aja mungkin ._. yeah right bye.

Senin, 11 Oktober 2010

Stress. I'm Trying To Refreshing

STRESS. Gabisa lepas dari gue. Sejak sekitar 2 minggu lalu, gue mulai stress. Pertama, banyak tugas. Kedua, UTS. Ketiga, lomba. Tssk. Gue harus gimanaaaa. Kalo ginimah gue harus buat jadwal kegiatan rumah gue lawl. Tapi gue jarang yak ngematuhin jadwal sendiri. Gue maunya apa coba ckckck. Gue bingung ama diri gue sendiri.

GUE STRESS NIH. Gue mau refreshing. Tapi setiap gue mau refreshing, pasti ada yang ngeganggu. Tapi barang refreshing ama temen, rasanya tuh biasa" aja, gaada yang spesial gitu zzz. Gimana dah cara ngilangin stress. Pengen buat jadwal kegiatan.

PENGEN BANTING SESUATU. Rasanya kalo kita lagi refreshing buat ngilangin stress tapi ada yang ngeganggu, malah stress nambah. Pengen rasanya banting CPU kompi gue. Sekalian biar tau BETAPA PENTINGNYA gue butuh laptop tablet. I'm srsly need that thing.

PENGEN KABUR. Tapi gatau tujuan kemana. I'm pathetic. Apa-apa salah, maunya apasih gue tuh? Gue pengen memikirkan hal itu tanpa gangguan orang. Setelah berpikir panjang, berujung curhat ke temen. Padahal pada awalnya ini adalah sebuah curhat.

Where I should put my activity's schedule, so then I can realize that this time I MUST to do this thing? I dunno. I've tried so many times I used that term, but it fails. What should I do? -_-

Sabtu, 02 Oktober 2010


As you can see, gue udah jarang ngeblog iki -_-a sibuk mulu aaaaaaa penuh nih. Rapat MPK, Paskib, Jepang, ama LIA. Tssk sekarang gue orangnya sibukbet daripada yang di SMP. Gue di MPK jadi Komisi B, Paskib jadi Bu RT, Jepang... jadi anggota ._. /plak/ tapi nanti gue ikut lomba shuji... = =a padahal sih ganiat, tapi nyoba dulu deh. *gugulingan* Hari Senin Mid-Test! Rawwwrraawwrrr udah semua MIPAnya pakek English lagi, parah = =a terus gue gak ngapdet" dA, Tumblr, fanfiction/fiction. Aaaa bokap belom beliin gue laptop ampe sekarang T__T padahal butuh banget buat tugas" sekolah ama file" gue sendiri... gue udah capek ama kompi gue, nge-restart sendiri mulu orz. Gue cuma aktif di Twitter lawl. FB... agak jarang sih, tapi kadang" buka juga ._. Yeah, sorry for that, gue udah mulai bosen di FB -_-

Well, gapentingsekali. Tapi setidaknya aku mengapdet nih blog yang penuh debu ._. *tiup"(?)*

Selasa, 10 Agustus 2010


...halo >_> kemaren gue baru aja pulang dari LDKS. Capek, badan pegel semua, tapi seru banget. Sangat menginspirasi *thumbs up* tapi ada sedikit kritik secara tidak langsung dari saya: Tidak tepat waktu -_- ngaret, yang seharusnya nyampe disekolah jam 2, malah datengnya jam 4. Yang seharusnya pulang kerumah jam 12, malah pulangnya jam 2. Harap itu bisa diperbaiki di Angkatan 13 (_ _)

Dan yang paling seru itu pas jurjit sekitar jam 2 >D ditutup matanya pake handuk, ditanyain abis"an ama akang-eteh OSIS, sama ada Alumninya. Aduh gue malu banget pas ditanyain Pancasila sempet kelupaan sila kedua, ampuuunn. Maaf atas kelupaan saya teh ;-; guegue ingin masuk MPK, terus ditanyain visi misi, motivasi, segala macem. Punya partner cowok - -' dia OSIS, ingin jadi Sekbid 8, Olahraga dan Kesenian. Gue mau jadi Sekretaris. Sekretaris sekretariis ato nggak Sekbid 3, Wawasan Kewarganegaraan ._. terus ada renungan, langsung solat Shubuh -_-

Terus gue dapet inspirasi tentang sifat kepemimpinan seorang pemimpin yang baik xD akan gue post setelah yang satu ini tentang jiwa kepemimpinan dari materi yang telah diberikan kemaren dari kakak" alumni 8D

...sepulang dari LDKS, langsung tidur >_> GELAS GUE ILANG ASHGDAHKGDKLHASGDH piring gue juga bedaa ;A; jangan" piring gue yang pecah -__-' sial.

Dan bagi followers yang baca post ini, tolong do'ain aku diterima di MPK yaa ;A; makasiih~

Rabu, 14 Juli 2010


YAK, para followers yang tercinta dan yang saya banggakan, saya mengumumkan, bahwa... SAYA SUKSES MENJALANKAN MABIS SMA NEGERI 2 KRAKATAU STEEL DENGAN BAIK *applause* Oke gapenting /plak/ Mulai besok, gue belajar... ama temen-temen England tercintah xD Daaan kabar baiknya lagi, GUGUS ENGLAND PALING BANYAK MENDAPAT HADIAH YAAAY *applause lagi* Yak hadirin sekalian *tsaah* bahwa Gugus England adalah kelas... X-1 !! YAY (lagi)

Yaaah pokoknya serudeh acara MABISnya~ banyak kenangannya... terus gue ngikut OSIS x'D gue juga ikut PD Nihongo, terus juga banyak sih ekskul yang pengen gue ikutin... Tadi ada juga pengarahan dari Mister Prof. Nick, dari Dubbo, Australia. Tssss yah pokoknya serudeh acaranya, jadi pengen ikut lagi *gugulingan* dan kabar yang sangat tidak menyenangkan untuk gue... PAKEK PUTIH-ABU MASIH LAMA, TANGGAL 15 AGUSTUS BARU MAKE ;;;;;;A;;;;;; Aaaaa peliit... gue masih SMP dong *mojok* sob. Udahdeh, segitu dulu. Oh dan, MARHABAN YA RAMADHAN xD

Kamis, 01 Juli 2010

Just Hello :3

Hi everyone! Having a nice day? Lol. Sekarang gue lagi di Bandung, sendiri, lagi =w= Yah untuk membebaskan diri dari kebosanan, nyokap yang sangat baik manggil travel untuk nganter gue kesini. Gue disini, baru internetan sih -_- Tapi nanti aku diajak kakak gue nonton Toy Story 3 ama Karate Kid :3 Tehee, so much joy in the other country... than Cilegon -__- Orang" Cilegon pada gaseru, temen" gue hampir semuanya alay. Mereka semua sangat membosankan -__- Semoga gue nanti di SMA punya temen yang lebih baik daripada itu. Well yeah, banyak temen" yang kukenal baik di SMANDAK. Ada temen les, temen SD, ama temen SMP--duh, tapi mereka yang lebih baik -_-

Swt, sekarang gue sakit perut. Okay other topic. Sekarang gue ini lagi mikirin Fiction Stoicheio, Al yang ngelanjutin chap 3nya. Well, dia mau re-make English-nya. Ya aku izinin dia selama tidak 'membelok' dari jalan ceritanya -_- Aku juga lagi mikirin nama antagonists-nya. Prota-nya keanya lebih banyak daripada anta-nya, jadi ditambahin sedikit character... dan mikirin appearance monster"nya kea gimana, need imaginations and inspiration, though I'm having an art block -_- /mulai gaje/ Udahdeh, gitu dulu -_-

Kamis, 17 Juni 2010

Pengen gaje dulu bentar /plak

Hm, brand new blog, indeed. Template baru blogger emang keren. Tapi sepertinya ada yang ganjal gimanaaa gitu. Gue tuh pengen nambahin menu bar buat nih blog, tapi gue bingung, pilihannya cuma satu -___- jadi males nambahnya. Pret.

Terus juga aku ubah shoutmix-nya jadi chatbox. Tanya kenapa, karna shoutmix-nya gak bisa nampilin link -__-a jadinya aku ubah.

Terus masalah touchnote, belom dibeliin. Dibeliinnya katanya (baru katanya, jadi gue belom percaya) tanggal 26. Awas loh ya kalo gak dibeliin *ngancem, dikeluarin dari rumah*

Aku pengen nambah sesuatu disini .__. tapi apa yak /plak/

Gue nih lagi tertarik ama Greek Mythology. Mitologi Yunani. Ya, aku pengen belajar tentangnya, terutama tentang 12 Olympians. Emang sih kurang kerjaan, tapi gaada salahnya kita belajar kan? -__- Dan gue juga pengen buat karakter dengan nama mereka dan peran mereka. Yaaa kemungkinan dengan bentuk serigala, karna gue suka serigala /plak

Terus... gue pengen ganti banner blog ini. Sangat tidak cocok -___- pakek gambar gue nanti.

Oke segitu dulu. Gaje all the way /plak

Sabtu, 05 Juni 2010

Imma SHS Student naw!

Horeeee gue keterima di SMANDAK, akhirnya ;;;w;;; tapi ada sebagian temen gue yang gaditerima, jadi... lagi", gue bingung harus seneng ato nggak ;~; lagipula, aku juga harus daptar ulang dulu nih... semoga aku akan tetap diterima, Amin. Daan... gue udah bilang belom aku punya Tumblr? Kalo beloom... ini tumblr gue: Namanya aneh amat? Emang aneh banjet *diinjek* dalam Greek, artinya Wolf's Diary hoho *plak* ehem, gue sekarang lagi di Depok. Udah seminggu disini, dan gue... akan pulang. Tapi gue males pulang. Gue merasa bebas disini... this is the right environment for me. Lagian gajadi ke Mangga Dua -_____- gajadi beli Touchnote. Bokap nyebelin. Ngomong doang, taunya gajadi. Sebel banjet. Udah seneng" malah gajadi. Bayangin, kea waktu Obama mau ke Indonesia, Presiden udah nyiapin segalanya. Eh malah gajadi, kan? Sakit hati, tauk.

Disini gue lumayan puas, walopun rumahnya lebih kecil daripada rumah gue. Setiap weekend diajak keluar kota. Dirumah, gue gak diajak kemana". Depresi. Gabisa ngegaul. Gue males minta ke ortu, omdo, jando, janji doang. Tapi gue harus pulang, soalnya gue harus cap 3 jari ama pendaftaran ulang -___- Gue disini dapet buku The Sorceress. Yay. Dan gue bisa baca Conan dari buku 1 ampe 56 sepuasnya. Cukup puas gue hwohohoho udah ah -___- bye.

Selasa, 11 Mei 2010

My life ~ part 5

You feel bored. And you're still tweeting. You never study, you are not smart.

Me: wth

You tweeting, tweeting, and tweeting. And you bored.

SUDDENLY, someone calling you to your mobile.

Me: halo?
Me: *change clothes, use shoes, asking bro for take to the school in 30 minutes*
your momma: YOU LATE AGAIN, YOU'RE GONNA PAY *whacking*
Me: *whacked*

You feel depressed that you are not smart. How pity.

Me: -_-


You sit on the chair that your mother asked to.

5 minutes later, the queue going forward.

your momma: Go forward
Me: But you told me not to go anywhere...
your angry momma: GO FORWARD

Then you go forward as you mother asked.

30 minutes later, you're in the administration place. Then you change place with your mother.


Miss Administration: Miss, you write the wrong scores, they're even smaller than the original
Me: (whut)
your bad momma: Oh, my bad.


Miss Administration: Too many wrongs, please fill them again in the new form

Then you feel so ashamed that your mother DARE to reduce your scores. You're not accept that in your deepest heart.

Waiting your mother re-filling the scores, you talking with your friend.

Me: Hey there. You know what? MY MOTHER IS BAD
your friend: Is THAT bad?
Me: Yeah, THAT bad.
your friend: how BAD is it?
Me: BAD as the EXAMS

You being random.

your secret boyfriend momma: Hana, is time to go home
Me: okay, I'm going home. Too BAD our conversation isn't done yet.
your friend: It's okay, as long you are not BAD as your mother
Me: thank you

You talking about your mother's BAD. You're gonna be PUNISHED.

Me: *back to my friend* Okay that's all just a lie, take it as a joke okay? Bye.

Now you walking to your car.

your secret boyfriend momma: Hey, your scores are BAD.
Me: 8(
your momma: you gonna take lessons from miss Herman! Every morning, you must go to her home to study! YOU NEVER SERIOUS
Me: D8

You very shocked to hear that. Well that's right though, you never serious in studying.

In your car with your bro.

You arrived at your friend's home.

your secret boyfriend momma: from tomorrow, you must go to my home for studying okay!? It's okay, 'he' is not in home every morning *chuckle*

You having a bad feelings.

Then you arrived at your home.

your momma: GO TO STUDY, NAW

You go back to your room. You thinking... and thinking.

your momma: HANA, I'm going out. YOU, STUDY.

Your mother left. You still thinking. And you realized, that you are BAD


You realize, then you closing the Mozilla Firefox, sign as busy in your YM. And turn off your monitor.

beep beep beep blablabla beep beep beep

You feel uneasy with that annoying voice. You turn on the monitor, then you look the YM chat screen filled with crazy audibles.

your annoying cyber friend: NO I'M SORRY PLEASE DON'T ;;A;;
Me: *turn off the speaker and monitor* feel so unpleasant without musics. But you got an idea! Use your mobile and earphones to listen music from it. Set the cool musics that can make you feel energetic!

Me: *setting playlist and musics*

And you're done! You can studying with hearing your favorites musics.

...It's already one hour.

Your academic has increased!

You got a message. It's from your mother.

Mess. : STUDY


Then you sending a message again.

your momma: Why? 'He's' not in home when morning. Oh yeah, there's a packet from Lea. Please you accept it.
Me: WHY YOU THINKING IN THAT WAY ;3; Oh okay, if I'm not forget *plak*
your momma: Wait in the TV room
Me: I don't wanna .___. *keep studying so you're not gonna forcing me to 'his' home* okay, I'll wait as I'm reading the study book
your momma: Okay. DON'T TURN ON THE TV
Me: *already turn on the TV*... oh man *turn off the TV again*

You keep reading and doing the lesson. Your academic has increased!

The packet arrived.

Sender: Okay I'm from Lea and your mother just tell me that you're gonna accept the packet.
Me: Ooo... kay?
Sender: Then just sign it here, here, here, here, here, and here.
Me: *signing all the damn prove or whatever it is paper*
Sender: Okay thank you very much. By the way, your signature is BAD
Me: 8(
Sender: Okay that just a joke. Can I go to the toilet? I want to pee.

Then you show the sender of the packet the toilet.

5 minutes later.

Sender: THAT was GOOD! Okay thanks kid, see ya later!
Me: Bye, and your welcome.

You just accept the packet politely. Your attitude has increased!

Then you tell your mother that you already accept the packet from before.

Your mother replies,

your GOOD momma: Thank you so much my GOOD girl, you did very well.

You feel flattered that finally your mother say that you are a GOOD person.

Me: 8D

Then you continuing study.


My Life ~ part 4



You woke up. And you were dreaming about you, Al and Vai swimming together.

Me: wtf

Now what will you do?


You decided to pray, and hoping that you will pass the test from 2KS SHS.'re not serious, you won't pass.

Me: OKAY OKAY pray seriously. Your attitude has increased!

Me: whut

Then you almost forgot about your cat. Your cat gonna dead!!

Me: *run towards the cat's cage*

He's fine, he won't dead

Me: what the...

You look at your cat's eye. You're hypnotized by your own cat.

Me: No I am not = ='

Then you give him hamburger, beer and took his crap

Me: *faint*

Your cat is satisfied. Your cat is being a punk. You give him a wrong treatment.

Me: NO I DON'T ;;A;;

You decided to go back to your room. What will you do now?




Good. You decided to study math and physics, your weakest subject ever.

Me: *just doing one question*

Your academic has not increased!

Me: .____.

You open Mozilla Firefox, log in to YM, Twitter, Facebook, deviantART. And you tell your friends about your dream

Me: Imma gotta dream somthin' weird, yo. Al and Vai using a bikini, and they're hot stud

Done with your stories, and you found something called Tumblr. You create an account, and playing with it.

Me: *typing* Hello there I'm new here so don't be so mean to me because I'm too cute to be mad to you all

You posted about random things, and there's nothing to do left. So what will you do?


You decided to study.

Me: ...*tweeting*

Your academic has decreased!


But suddenly you found your mother with a mad face.

Your momma: asdfghjkl;;
Me: ?
Your momma: WHERE'S THE DAMN TIPEK(??) !!?
Me: I dunno

You are stupid. You decided to search it, including toilet.

Me: -____-''

You can't find it anywhere, you decided to give up. Then you return to your person.

Your momma: *tipek(??)ing*
Me: That's a tipek
Your momma: Yeah, I just found it here

You feel that you being fooled. You fool.

Me: = ='

Your momma: here, sign it here and fill in the blank. IN 5 SECONDS
Me: *fill in the blank in 5 minutes*
Your momma: you're LATE. Okay give it to me. INDRAAAA COME TO YOUR MAMA
Your bro: Whut?
Your momma: come with me to SMANDAK
Your bro: okay

You seeing that your mother is exhausted. HANA YOU'RE MUST STUDY, NOW

Me: *go back to the room and open college book*

Not college, BUT SHS

Me: *open SHS study book*

Okay. If you're serious, you will get a tablet!

Me: 8D *big grins*

You studied in 10 minutes...

Me: *one question done, back tweeting*

your academic has decreased tremendously!



Senin, 10 Mei 2010

My life ~ part 3

Maaf ya udah lama gak ngelanjutin (__)'' *plak* oke ayok lanjut! xD

--- waiting your mother, receiving your exams result. You feel so scared that you will not get the best score.

What will you do now?

Watch TV
Play internet

you decided to pray for your exams result's sake.'re so impatient, curious about your result. You decided to ask your mother by sending a message.

gue: Ma, aku lulus gak?
Mama: Alhamdulillah lulus
Gue: Nemnya berapa?
Mama: 30,20


You shocked when you read that last message send by your mother. Hana, you're so sucks! (lolwhut)

You failed. You will never get a laptop tablet for your life.

Me: NOOOOOOO!!! ;;;A;;;

But guess what?

If you passed the test from 2KS SHS, you will get that precious thing for sure!


But if you're not study, YOU'RE DEAD

Me: .____.

So now, what will you do?


Me: o___o

If you're not choosing, YOUR MOTHER GONNA KILL YOU


You decided to study...

Me: ...*tweeting*

Okay you'll never get a tablet.



I dunno what the title

Ooookay, gue udah lulus sih udah lulus, tapi... GUE NEM-NYA KECIL ORZ ORZ ORZ AAAAAA GUE MAU MASUK SMA MANAAA ;;A;; sedihnya gue... semoga aja Allah akan memberikan yang terbaik untukku, AMIN.

...well sejujurnya... gue waktu UN itu... gapernah belajar *plakgubrakbruaghmeong* makanya dapet kecil otl. Padahal gue tuh waktu SD pinter, nilainya gede". Eh sekarang malah nurun orz. Well I can't blame myself for being too lazy... kebawa ama temen" sih -,- gue bego yah *ngaku?*

Nah lain cerita, gue lagi buat fiction nih ama Al uuooooo kalo mau baca di blog gue yang satunya lagi yak, yang Another Story xD bahasa Inggris :3 Tapi baru chapter 1, chapter 2 lagi dalam proses translate 8) selain disini, gue submit ceritanya di FB ama PLI :9 nyem, udah dulu yak, abis buka. Mau solat. Bahbeeeey~~

Jumat, 30 April 2010


OH YEAAAAHH EXAMS OVER BABY, OVER!! Just wait for the result, and pluuuss hoping that we, the JHS student, will get the best scores, Amin xDD

Well yeah sorry for not blogging recently, Imma too lazy *plak* terus juga disekolah gak ngapa"in -__- Absen doang. Gaada kegiatan lagi, yaaa selain memperbaiki nilai yang kurang. But for meh, it's aaall done 8) I'm positive! Feels great after that, dan gue lagi mood buat sketching. Tapi coloring ndak, gatau napa -____- Padahal tinggal dikit lagi, tau-tau jadi males. Oh yeah, waddya think about mah new begroun? They are... DA PRICHELL SISTAS BUAHAHAHA MAH BABY xDD *diinjek* And yeah, this is all made by me! No steal! *except for the banner's image* Hohohou yeah, gue juga lagi buka rekues 8D Siggies? Userbars? Wallpapers? Drawings? Everything! I'm in the mood for making it. Feel free to request me, 'cuz I have nothing to do anyway. Argh pusing *ganyambung*

Dah dulu ye, dah malem. Bye all~

Minggu, 07 Maret 2010

Blogkuu yang Terlantar (banget)

Haaaiii mah freeenn haw ar yu tudaaaiii?? *diinjek* Ah, sori ya udah lama gak ngeposting gue... soalnya... UN AKAN DATANG!! guegue harus tempur ma nih ujian (weiss) Makanya gue udah jarang nge-tweet, buka FB, apalagi buka blog... (maksudnya gaada inspirasi mau nulis apa di blog *plak*) FF gue juga terlantar gaada inspirasi sumpah... mungkin nanti habis UN dapet inspirasi (Amiin) dan juga... GUE PASTI LULUS!! *terlalu positive* (AMIN) Oh ya, gue masih ngerjain art kok. Tapi nanti aja ya, habis UN aja... gue juga bingung mau masuk SMA mana yang penting lulus aja dulu deh... harus belajar!! Dari sekarang!! Oh yeah! *semangat '45*