
Jumat, 30 April 2010


OH YEAAAAHH EXAMS OVER BABY, OVER!! Just wait for the result, and pluuuss hoping that we, the JHS student, will get the best scores, Amin xDD

Well yeah sorry for not blogging recently, Imma too lazy *plak* terus juga disekolah gak ngapa"in -__- Absen doang. Gaada kegiatan lagi, yaaa selain memperbaiki nilai yang kurang. But for meh, it's aaall done 8) I'm positive! Feels great after that, dan gue lagi mood buat sketching. Tapi coloring ndak, gatau napa -____- Padahal tinggal dikit lagi, tau-tau jadi males. Oh yeah, waddya think about mah new begroun? They are... DA PRICHELL SISTAS BUAHAHAHA MAH BABY xDD *diinjek* And yeah, this is all made by me! No steal! *except for the banner's image* Hohohou yeah, gue juga lagi buka rekues 8D Siggies? Userbars? Wallpapers? Drawings? Everything! I'm in the mood for making it. Feel free to request me, 'cuz I have nothing to do anyway. Argh pusing *ganyambung*

Dah dulu ye, dah malem. Bye all~